Require a balenaos kernel update to use camera

i’m using a balenafin v1.1.1 and bought an Arducam Pivariety IMX298 16MP, installing the drivers following these steps link fails when modprobing the arducam kernel module with the following error

modprobe: ERROR: could not insert ‘arducam’: Exec format error

the error seems to be related to version mismatch between the kernel and the module, these drivers were built for the following versions link, i tried using the last two balenaos releases and both of them use a kernel version not supported by those drivers, is there a way for me to update the balenaos linux kernel?

Hi, using precompiled kernel drivers for RaspberryPi OS will not work in balenaOS. I would suggest you build the kernel driver as part of your application, copy it to the container image ,and load it as part of the application’s entry script.
You have an example that shows how to build an external kernel module in GitHub - balena-os/kernel-module-build: Example project for building an OOT kernel module in balena