I am using Raspberry pi 3B+ for a project idea in which i trying load bluetooth based python application in docker. I have tried balanalib/aarch64-ubuntu-python and several other balenalib container images. But most of the time i am getting /opt/vc/bin/vcmailbox: No such file or directory error. Can someone help to solve the problem. It is going on endlessly.
For RPi 3 you will need either balenalib/raspberrypi3... or balenalib/raspberrypi3-64... base images, not balanalib/aarch64.... This is depending on whether you are installing a 32 or 64 bit version of balenaOS. Please let us know whether that solves the issue for you.
Sorry for the delay in reply. I have tried Raspberrypi3 & Raspberrypi-64 docker images, but still, it is not working for me. The host OS in raspberry pi 3B+ is Ubuntu 20.04. Right now i have swapped it with SLES 15. But converting the script written for Ubuntu/Debian distro taking some time.
just to clarify - you are not running the RPI under Balena OS but under Suse Linux Enterprise Server 15 ?
I am not quite sure about this but you might want to use regular docker images instead of balenalib/… images to run your containers with if the above is the case.
Thank you for your reply. I have downloaded the BalenaOS and booted the RaspberryPi 3B+. But it is not showing anything except the Balena’s logo. Can you help to figure out the problem?
Hi Baskar, showing the Balena logo is normal. balenaOS does not have a desktop it is designed for running containers. Did you create an application on balenaCloud and download balenaOS image from their or did you download balenaOS directly?
For developing container based applications we recommend using balenaCloud, it is designed to make developing and maintain applications on small devices like raspberryPi easier. For more info on how to get start with RaspberryPi and Python on balenaCloud please refer to this getting started guide: https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/getting-started/raspberrypi3/python/. balenaCloud is free for up to 10 devices.
Using balenaOS without balenaCloud is possible but requires more advanced Linux and Docker skills. You would have to do all the things that balenaCloud make easy manually.