Provisioning a RockPi 4b on Balena Cloud no eMMC

Hi I am trying out BalenaCloud for a group of Rock Pi 4B’s.

I have flashed a micro SD with BalenaOS through the “add new device” options on the dashboard but noticed that the instructions (below) for a Rock Pi 4b suggest I need an internal storage medium. I don’t have the eMMC module on my Rock but I do have SD cards and USB drives, is it still possible to use this Rock on balena cloud?

Could I for example have a blank SD card in the Rock, flash balena OS to a USB drive and then connect that to the Rock?


  • 1 Use the form on the left to configure and download balenaOS for your new device.
  • 2 Insert the SD card to the host machine.
  • 3 Write the balenaOS file you downloaded to the SD card. We recommend using Etcher.
  • 4 Wait for writing of balenaOS to complete.
  • 5 Remove the SD card from the host machine.
  • 6 Insert the freshly flashed SD card into the ROCK Pi 4B.
  • 7 Warning! This will also completely erase internal storage medium, so please make a backup first.
  • 8 Connect power to the ROCK Pi 4B
  • 9 Wait for the ROCK Pi 4B to finish flashing and shutdown. Please wait until all LEDs are off.
  • 10 Remove the SD card from the ROCK Pi 4B.
  • 11 Remove and re-connect power to the ROCK Pi 4B to boot the device.
  • 12 Your device should appear in your application dashboard within a few minutes. Have fun!