I’m probably missing something, but in the datasheet for the balenFin, I can’t find any reference as to the polarity of the phoenix-connector. On the PCB there seems to be a small minus-character to the right side of the connector, but I’m not sure enough that it refers to the connector to take the plunge and risk blowing up my Fin. Can anyone tell me what the correct polarity is?
Hi @martenjacobs the positive terminal is the one with the square pad, nearest the barrel jack. We’ve improved this in newer PCB revisions by marking both the + and - on the PCB to make it clearer, and we also mention in the getting started guide that the negative is denoted by the - symbol, but it doesn’t hurt to check. I hope this helps!
Add a similar comment in both places clarifying that the DC barrel jack is center pin positive. AFAIK there is no standard for these things, merely industry-specific conventions. Musical instrument peripherals seem to use center pin negative, for instance.
Hi I just received my first Balena Fin V1.1 as a Kit I was expecting to see the Phoenix connector in the kit but its not there so I looked on your site under accessories and its not there either ?
Hi Nicolas, I see that you can use the mini PCI express slot for extra storage what storage can I use ??
The Mini PCI express port on the Fin expands the connectivity capabilities to a number of different modules (4G LTE, Zigbee, LoRa, additional storage, RS232/485, CANbus). The 4-pin USB header allows a wide set of possible design applications such as additional storage, secondary ethernet port, multimedia readers, additional radio interfaces, etc. The co-processor 18-pin header allows analog and time-sensitive I/O
Also is there another serial port on the 18pin header and if so do you have a descriptive pinout document?