I have been trying to install OpenBalena on a VM in digitalocean.com but I am getting stuck at running the script that configure Balena. The instructions state to use the following command:
I made changes to the command by entering my email address, password, and my domain. The message I get is “bash: my.email@email.com: No such file or directly”. Any help with what I am missing or doing wrong would be awesome.
I guess you did include the password. Trying to post my last message the forum hides the <password> string from the post, which must have been what happened with your post above.
Can you help with the whole log of what you receive on screen? Maybe a line number or other info can help understand what really fails.
Also, I see the command has email as email@address but the meesage says my.email@email.com. I understand you might have dummy email here, but can you double check and let us know if both email were the same (in the error and arg to the script).
Just checking in to ask whether you’re still experiencing this problem? If so, could you perhaps send us all of the logging output, and double check the e-mail address as suggested by Nitish?
Thanks for your help everybody. I was able to run the script by adding the ‘’ around the email address, and I ran the script in the Open-balena directory.