I would like to test BalenaOS is a Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX developer kit. I’m checking the available images and I only see the eMMC image, not the SD Card image. Jetson Nano image has an SD Card image so I was hoping that it would be the same for the Xavier NX…
Is there a way to test the Xavier NX developer kit with the SD Card?
Hi there Eugenio, after asking our Devices team, we do believe that if you flash the eMMC image to an SD Card, you should in fact be able to boot the board. I do not have a Xavier NX to test this myself, but if you give it a try let us know how it goes. Thanks!
Thanks, I’ll check it out and let you guys know, do you have a timeline for a production ready image for the NX? It says only development kit, so I’m not sure if it will be production ready.
We do a full series of compliance tests, and release images in our Staging environment prior to pushing them to balenaCloud, so I suspect this naming convention of “Development Kit” is used simply because that is what Nvidia has chosen to name the device: https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-xavier-nx-devkit
I was following the “Getting Started” guide and was unable to configure the image with the following command:
balena os configure ./balena-cloud-jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc-2.53.12+rev1-dev-v11.9.9.img --app myApp --version "2.53.12+rev1
I received the following output:
? Network Connection ethernet
Configuring operating system image
Partition not found: 37.
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I am received this error on both Ubuntu and MacOS. What am I doing wrong?