Hi there – thanks for getting in touch with us. Let me ask some questions:
I presume you’re asking about the balenaSound project. Is that correct?
Can you confirm what kind of device you’re running this on? If it’s a Raspberry Pi, can you confirm the version?
When you run Device Checks from the Diagnostics tab on your device dashboard, does it give you any warnings?
What happens when you try the troubleshooting/workaround steps in the “Audio cuts or is very stuttery” section of the balenaSound support page? Although the symptoms described there are a bit different, it’s still related to bluetooth performance problems and may offer some help.
Hi Hugh
Yes, Sound project
It is running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+
All checks are green.
I have disabled the multi-room server and client, but still the same issue.
I will test with a bluetooth dongle.
It seems to me that bluetooth is very buggy on RPI3, so I will not spend too much time on that, thank you for the pointers.
The Pi3B+ has better bluetooth than previous versions, but we do still see issues when users are using both WiFi and Bluetooth at the same time. I think your options are either to run the device over ethernet (if that’s possible) or go with a bluetooth dongle as you suggest. These at least provide a separate radio and normally have a higher gain antenna.
According to the troubeshooting guide balenaSound will automatically deetct the usb bluetooth dongle and use it.
As for disabling bluetooth maybe you can try dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt. You can add this via balenaCloud dashboard as a config variable. you can read more on how to do this here https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/OS/advanced/