I started with balenaSound but i’m having problems getting it working.
I created a fleet, added a device (Raspberry pi 4B / Rpi 4B), downloaded balena OS
and made the MicroSD cards (for 2 Rpi 4B’s).
The Rpi’s work fine and they show up online.
However i can not find the balenaSound Bluetooth the Rpi’s should be sending out.
The balanaSound Bluetooth does not show up on my phone or other computer.
Next i used the “Create release” option from the balenaSound dashboard.
I added the PATH command for the CLI tool to work everywhere.
Login works fine (web authorisation).
But when i enter the “balena push [NAME]” i get the following error.
Error: no “Dockerfile[.*]”, “docker-compose.yml” or “package.json” file
found in source folder “.”
When i made the MicroSD cards i downloaded the OS and also the config file.
Should i “push” the config file ?
Who can help me getting balanaSound to work ?
I’m new with balenaSound, so a explanation for “noobs” would be appreciated.