New Release - no docker file found


I’m trying to set up a smart speaker using Balena Sound, following the set up guide on, but I’m running into a lot of issues.

First of all, when I create a device and click ‘flash’, Etchr tells me that the device hasn’t been partitioned. I can work around this by downloading directly and installing from my files but I thought it was worth mentioning.

So then I’ve got my device online, and it’s visible in my dashboard. I have the latest balena CLI installed on my Mac. When I click ‘Create release’, and follow the instructions in Mac Terminal, I get the following:

josiahgoldsmith@Joes-Laptop ~ % balena fleets
Id App name Slug Device type Device count Online devices
─────── ──────────── ─────────────── ──────────── ──────────── ──────────────
2137517 balena-sound g_joe_goldsmit… raspberrypi5 1 1
josiahgoldsmith@Joes-Laptop ~ % balena push g_joe_goldsmith/balena-sound
Error: no “Dockerfile[.*]”, “docker-compose.yml” or “package.json” file
found in source folder “.”

josiahgoldsmith@Joes-Laptop ~ %

And it’s stuck here.

Any ideas? I know basically nothing about coding. I had this set up working just fine the first time I tried, but then I had to change to a different network so I thought ‘Ok, I’ll just flash the SD card again with the new settings and it’ll work fine’.

Would appreciate whatever help I can get,


It would help if you can provide a link to the actual guide you’re following.

When you run balena push g_joe_goldsmith/balena-sound, you say you want to build a Balena image using the files in your current working directory.
For this to work, your working directory needs to have a docker-compose.yml detailing how to build your image and what your image does.

If you are following the Balena getting started, you probably missed the part where you have to navigate to the root of the extracted archive.

Note that changing the network configuration usually does not require a new release.
To modify the known network connections you can:

  • Mount the SD card on your laptop and then modify the contents of /balena-boot/system-connections/.
  • SSH into the Host OS (balena ssh <UUID>, or through the “Terminal” panel in the Balena dashboard) and modify the contents of /mnt/boot/system-connections.

Hi, thanks for the response :slight_smile:

I followed the Getting Started guide but still nothing. However! I found the file in the git folder to deploy Balena Sound and now it all works fine. GitHub - balena-io-experimental/balena-sound: Build a single or multi-room streamer for an existing audio device using a Raspberry Pi! Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect (image attached in case anyone else has this problem in the future).

Thank you for the tip regarding changing network configurations. I think I was acting off of old information, as I was under the impression a new image needed to be flashed every time!

Thanks again, problem solved!