Ok all, I am very new to this so please bear with me. I am trying to hook up a Rasp Pi Zero W with the Phat DAC. I have the device online and in my BalenaCloud acct, but I am LOST when it comes to pushing the Balena_Sound file to the Pi? I have tried to follow all the directions, but since this is my first ever project, I can’t seem to figure it out. I keep getting an error, what do I do from here?
Hey @DigitalMom40 and welcome to the forum! Thanks for giving the project a shot; it looks like you’re pretty close to the finishing line.
What you need to do from here is extract that balena-sound-master.zip file you’ve downloaded, cd into that directory, and then try the balena push Livingroom_Speakers command again.
Have you changed the code at, fromt he previous push? It is likely that your Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml has an error in there. There should not be a “main” service in the code, that the error refers to. How did you get the code as well? (git clone, zip download…) Can you list the contents of that balena-sound-master folder?
I apologize for my late reply, been really busy with school. To answer your questions, I didn’t change anything. I downloaded the zip file and extracted it into the same download folder. Attaching a picture of whats inside the balena_sound_master folder.