manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8plus-node:8 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown


I am following the instructions from the Balena CLI Master Class ( balena-io/balena-cli-masterclass: A guide to getting started with the balena CLI) but am getting stuck.

I’m running the command:
balena build --fleet cliFleet --emulated --debug

And getting this error message:
manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8plus-node:8 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Can you please advise?

Thank you.


Hi @peks , sorry about that. Looking at that repo the Dockerfile.template hasn’t been updated for 6 years so it points to using the node:8 docker image that was deprecated before the NXP device type was ever added to the balena platform. So if you just edit the Dockerfile.template to use :latest tag. We in the meantime will update that repo to do the same.

Hi Shaun
Thank you for your reply. That worked. Thank you.