manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown


We are building node-js based multi-container app on iot-gate-imx8. However I am getting below error when performing balena push to my local iot-gate-imx8 board. There is another opened topic regarding same but it’s not getting any replies (balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:12.18 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown). So far I have tried iot-gate-imx8-node:latest , iot-gate-imx8-node:14.18 and iot-gate-imx8-debian-node:14.18.

[Build] [optimus] Step 1/21 : FROM balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:latest as optimus-deps
Some services failed to build:
optimus: manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Error: Some services failed to build:
optimus: manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

[Build] [optimus] Step 1/21 : FROM balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:14.18 as optimus-deps
Some services failed to build:
optimus: manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:14.18 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Error: Some services failed to build:
optimus: manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-node:14.18 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Some services failed to build:
optimus: manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-debian-node:14.18 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Error: Some services failed to build:

optimus: manifest for balenalib/iot-gate-imx8-debian-node:14.18 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Hi @npatil,

Sorry for the inconvenience, it was an issue with our base images builders so some tags were missing but they are available now. Please let us know if you find any missing tags.