Looking for freelance resin.io developer for resin image development


I am looking for a freelancer which can help me build the functionality we need for our company.

Core task: Running two wifi at the same time, internal one and usb wifi (static ip).
PM for more information or if anyone knows people who are interested.



Could you detail your use-case? We already have clients using two network interfaces simultaneously.


I want to run our Intel NUC i3 7100 using the internal wifi (DHCP) and with another usb wifi dongle (static ip).

The wifi dongle should allow to reach our python flask app (web configuration) to enter wifi credentials of the internal wifi (so that we have internet access) through Dbus API. Our flask app should also be able to delete the wifi credentials inserted in the internal wifi using nmcli.

So basic to say, to have a second wifi static to configure/delete/reset the internet settings of the internal wifi.