I’ve been having an issue getting balena os to boot on some of the jetson nano 4GB developer kits we have. After flashing the image the jetsons just don’t boot, we get the NVIDIA logo and nothing after that. This only seems to happen on nano’s which have run NVIDIA’s Jetpack SD image on, if I run balena on a brand new jetson it work just fine.
I spent a week a while back trying to look into this issue, and found many references to an update to the onboard SPI flash on the nano being written to by the Jetpack image which isn’t compatible with the current release but I was never able to find a way to fix this and eventually gave up. I’ve come back to this and am really trying resurrect the nanos we got (world supply of nanos is getting very short),
Has anyone run into a similar issue and been able to find a fix for it? Any help would be appreciated!