issue with delta update

Thanks for confirming Sven, looking at the device logs it seems part of the issue relates to a 404 from our delta server, to check this I’ve disabled delta updates in the device configuration. Can you power cycle the device if possible please?

Hi Joe,

  • I used the command: “C:\balena-cli\balena deploy –-registry-secrets C:\Users\hasv\myimages\balena_moxa\secrets.yml sven_haugstetter/Test”

  • I´m using private registries

  • I have granted you access to the device

  • The first release was successful. All others failed.

Hello Joe,

I’m a colleague of Sebastian and I’m trying to update the containers on an Edge Device.
During the update I got stuck at 71% and nothing happens anymore. After some time the status changed from “Updating” to “Online” and the old release is still on the device.

Here are some screens and attached you´ll find the logfile. Maybe you have an idea how to fix that.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,



Sorry but I am not seeing any screens. Could you re-share please :+1:

Hey, if you update balena-cli to v11.31.23 then “This error originated either by…” errors are fixed

Hi, thanks for the solution. With the balena-cli v11.31.23 it´s working.