I seem to have gotten my device into a permanently non-updateable state, where any update from the currently running release shows 500 errors from the delta server.
I’ve also noticed that generating releases gives me a warning that deltas couldn’t be saved and would be generated on-demand (but the release completes successfully). That seems fine, except the on-demand deltas don’t seem to ever be successfully generated during the actual update (even if I leave the device updating for hours).
A 500 seems to indicate an issue on the Balena side - is there any chance someone at Balena could look into it? On my end, apart from blowing the device software away, I’m actually unsure about how to cleanly flash the newest software from scratch, given there’s no way to turn off delta updates. Restarting services doesn’t seem to do it.
Failed to download image 'registry2.balena-cloud.com/v2/4fec50fc8c5e65b443437408ba39f934@sha256:8ea489a253220b17ccc5325e89a4bd1ece42766c4af539bd664a533c2f1c8e85' due to 'Got 500 when requesting v3 delta from delta server.'
Hello, we are experiencing the same 500 error issues with new image downloading. Since 1h or so. I don’t see any “incidents” on Balena Status, is there a way to contact Balena for Support ?
The team is not aware of any ongoing incidents right now but feel free to keep an eye on https://status.balena.io for any news or updates. The level of support depends on the plan you’re on as explained in balena - Get in touch for support