Help troubleshooting - Beaglebone images

Hi, ive been using balena for a while for flashing the image into the sd card.
recently ive been prompted errors. the only way i found to start the flashing is using the admin profile but it breaks at 99% of the validation.
this is the error im getting:
Error: The writer process ended unexpectedly
at i (index.js:353:5238)
at t.createUserError (index.js:353:6464)
at m (index.js:140:45502)
at index.js:140:46208
at L. (index.js:140:42787)
at L.emit (node:events:518:28)
at e.exports.H (index.js:2:2313625)
at e.exports.emit (node:events:518:28)
at index.js:2:2289445
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

GET file:///C:/Users/local_admin/AppData/Local/balena_etcher/app-1.19.25/resources/app.asar/.webpack/renderer/main_window/media/icon.png net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

also, idk if this in normal but as soon as i open the app and the dev tools (debuggin mode)
it give me this 2 erros:

Amplitude Logger [Error]: Event rejected due to exceeded retry count

Attaching screenshots: (im a new user so doesnt allow me to paste them directly)