I am trying to setup my controllino to run on balena remote. I can see it online (thankfully!!) but it can not connect to the helium network. Should I put some commands on, or there is a possible hardware problem? These are some printouts of diagnostics .
2022-07-17 17:33:34,377 - [WARNING] - hm_pyhelper.miner_param - (miner_param.py).get_gateway_mfr_command – /opt/python-dependencies/hm_pyhelper/miner_param.py:(132) - Variant None is not recognized. Omitting --device arg.
diagnostics WARNING:hm_pyhelper.miner_param:Variant None is not recognized. Omitting --device arg.
diagnostics 2022-07-17 17:33:34,528 - [INFO] - hm_pyhelper.miner_param - (miner_param.py).run_gateway_mfr – /opt/python-dependencies/hm_pyhelper/miner_param.py:(36) - gateway_mfr response stdout: b’{\n “result”: “fail”,\n “tests”: {\n “ecdh(0)”: {\n “error”: “ecc608 error\n\nCaused by:\n timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “key_config(0)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “miner_key(0)”: {\n “error”: “ecc608 error\n\nCaused by:\n timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “sign(0)”: {\n “error”: “ecc608 error\n\nCaused by:\n timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “slot_config(0)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “zone_locked(config)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “zone_locked(data)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n }\n }\n}\n’
diagnostics INFO:hm_pyhelper.miner_param:gateway_mfr response stdout: b’{\n “result”: “fail”,\n “tests”: {\n “ecdh(0)”: {\n “error”: “ecc608 error\n\nCaused by:\n timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “key_config(0)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “miner_key(0)”: {\n “error”: “ecc608 error\n\nCaused by:\n timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “sign(0)”: {\n “error”: “ecc608 error\n\nCaused by:\n timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “slot_config(0)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “zone_locked(config)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n },\n “zone_locked(data)”: {\n “error”: “timeout/retry error”,\n “result”: “fail”\n }\n }\n}\n’
diagnostics 2022-07-17 17:33:34,528 - [INFO] - hm_pyhelper.miner_param - (miner_param.py).run_gateway_mfr – /opt/python-dependencies/hm_pyhelper/miner_param.py:(38) - gateway_mfr response stderr: b’’
diagnostics INFO:hm_pyhelper.miner_param:gateway_mfr response stderr: b’’
diagnostics ERROR:root:Failed to provision key: string indices must be integers
diagnostics INFO:apscheduler.scheduler:Scheduler started
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:Looking for jobs to run
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:No jobs; waiting until a job is added
diagnostics INFO:apscheduler.scheduler:Added job “init_scheduled_tasks..run_ship_diagnostics_task” to job store “default”
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:Looking for jobs to run
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:Next wakeup is due at 2022-07-17 18:00:00+00:00 (in 1584.636696 seconds)
diagnostics INFO:apscheduler.scheduler:Added job “init_scheduled_tasks..run_network_watchdog_task” to job store “default”
diagnostics INFO:apscheduler.scheduler:Added job “init_scheduled_tasks..run_quectel_health_task” to job store “default”
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:Looking for jobs to run
diagnostics /opt/python-dependencies/apscheduler/util.py:436: PytzUsageWarning: The localize method is no longer necessary, as this time zone supports the fold attribute (PEP 495). For more details on migrating to a PEP 495-compliant implementation, see Migration Guide — pytz_deprecation_shim 0.1.0.post0 documentation
diagnostics return tzinfo.localize(dt)
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:Next wakeup is due at 2022-07-17 17:35:35.387050+00:00 (in 119.999477 seconds)
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:Looking for jobs to run
diagnostics DEBUG:apscheduler.scheduler:Next wakeup is due at 2022-07-17 17:35:35.387050+00:00 (in 119.986058 seconds)
diagnostics DEBUG:flask_caching.backends.simplecache:get key ‘view//json’ → miss
diagnostics INFO:root:Running periodic hardware diagnostics
diagnostics 2022-07-17 17:33:35,428 - [WARNING] - hw_diag.utilities.hardware - (hardware.py).detect_ecc – /opt/python-dependencies/hw_diag/utilities/hardware.py:(209) - Unable to lookup SWARM_KEY_URI from hardware definitions, Exception message: Variant None is not recognized.
diagnostics WARNING:hw_diag.utilities.hardware:Unable to lookup SWARM_KEY_URI from hardware definitions, Exception message: Variant None is not recognized.
diagnostics 2022-07-17 17:33:35,430 - [WARNING] - hw_diag.utilities.hardware - (hardware.py).detect_ecc – /opt/python-dependencies/hw_diag/utilities/hardware.py:(219) - Unable to lookup KEY_STORAGE_BUS from hardware definitions, Exception message: Variant None is not recognized.
diagnostics WARNING:hw_diag.utilities.hardware:Unable to lookup KEY_STORAGE_BUS from hardware definitions, Exception message: Variant None is not recognized.
diagnostics 2022-07-17 17:33:35,431 - [WARNING] - hw_diag.utilities.hardware - (hardware.py).detect_ecc – /opt/python-dependencies/hw_diag/utilities/hardware.py:(223) - Unable to lookup storage bus from hardware definitions, falling back to the default.
diagnostics WARNING:hw_diag.utilities.hardware:Unable to lookup storage bus from hardware definitions, falling back to the default.
diagnostics 2022-07-17 17:33:35,497 - [WARNING] - hm_pyhelper.miner_param - (miner_param.py).get_gateway_mfr_command – /opt/python-dependencies/hm_pyhelper/miner_param.py:(132) - Variant None is not recognized. Omitting --device arg.
diagnostics WARNING:hm_pyhelper.miner_param:Variant None is not recognized. Omitting --device arg.
diagnostics 2022-07-17 17:33:35,536 - [ERROR] - hm_pyhelper.miner_param - (miner_param.py).run_gateway_mfr – /opt/python-dependencies/hm_pyhelper/miner_param.py:(42) - gateway_mfr exited with a non-zero status