Hdmi output settings for balenadash

I am wanting to run balenadash on my RPi3 and display the output on my HMDI monitor. After deploying code, I get only a balena logo on the monitor. Given the tutorial (https://www.balena.io/blog/make-a-web-frame-with-raspberry-pi-in-30-minutes/) does not include a monitor for the output- are there special settings I need to consider? How best to proceed?

Hi @Dlemas

Have you declared the environment variables necessary to show a website? Click on your application, then click on Environment Variable, then click Add Variable. For the name, use WPE_URL and then in the Value box, put in any URL you want and then click Add.

You can find more information about what variables you can declare here: https://github.com/balena-io-projects/balena-dash

Let me know if that works :slight_smile:

Consistent with the instructions for balena-dash, I have listed the environmental variables below:

Initially, I have the GALLERY_URL with the link to the content however when I also added WPE_URL, I still get just the balena logo after start-up. How can I test to see if the HDMI setting are appropriate?

I am using a Raspberry Pi 3B+ as well and it seems to work for me. Have you tried activating the GPU memory in Fleet Configuration? I have mine set to 396 and I am seeing your slideshow on my device with your environment variables set.

Still nothing. notably, I purchased my RPi3B in December of 2016 and I don’t see any documentation that indicates it is a RPi3B+. Do I need to try reflash the balenaOS? Is there any way to test the HDMI output from command line?

Hey @Dlemas

Can you post the list of configuration variables you have set for this device? Specifically, I would be looking for the ones listed here: No HDMI signal in Screenly OSE Raspberry Pi

@Dlemas if you’re getting the balenaOS logo on your monitor, everything is working with regards to the HDMI connection. You actually don’t need any additional HDMI settings to use this project as long as it’s plugged in before you turn the power to the Pi on.

The fact that the screen isn’t changing from the balenaOS logo suggests that there’s something else wrong and the application isn’t starting.

As @cpollock said, I’ve just tried using your list of variables as well and it’s working fine (on a 3B). For info, a 3B+ has a silver CPU, and a 3B has a black IC. It does also say ‘Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+’ on the board if that’s what you have.

What you can do at this point is enable support access for the device and share the dashboard URL here, we can take a look to see if there is anything unusual in the logs. What you can also try is removing all the environment variables and just setting a basic WPE_URL, i.e. https://www.google.com.

Furthermore, you didn’t confirm that you had set the GPU memory to 396. If this hasn’t been set correctly under ‘Device Configuration’ it would certainly cause the symptoms you have reported - it would be worth double checking that this has been set.

I started from the top and reflashed my device, provisioned my device, deployed code and added the setting above to balenacloud. Things are now working! Notably, I am working on a windows machine and initially had trouble with powershell finding my ssh key when deploying code. I fixed the issue by running start-ssh-agent.cmd. I am guessing the initial balenadash code on my device was corrupt.

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Ahh great, well done @Dlemas!