Failed to download application

After making a new deploy to resin, 2 of my 3 devices are failing to download the image.

I can see the unicorn that the build was successful.

But in the Logs of the devices I see messages like:

14.03.18 20:48:14 (+0100) Failed to download image …’ due to '(HTTP code 500) server error - Get…: net/http: TLS handshake timeout ’

Failed to download application ‘’ due to ‘could not get decompression stream: Get registry2.resin…f3/blobs/sha256:93125067…: net/http: TLS handshake timeout’

I’ve tried to create a new build but it didn’t work, I’ve also tried to reboot the device without success.

Any ideas of what is missing?

If it helps to debug my application has the “classic” badge.

are you still facing this issue? Can you send us a link to your dashboard url to investigate more please? (via a private message)

Hi, the problem was solved without our intervention after an hour maybe two.


Good to hear! Get back to us if you need help again