My Raspberry can’t download app code, here’s what I get in the logs:
25.01.18 12:10:24 (+0000) Failed to download application '' due to 'failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): unexpected EOF'
25.01.18 12:10:53 (+0000) Downloading application ''
25.01.18 12:11:26 (+0000) Failed to download application '' due to 'could not get decompression stream: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout'
25.01.18 12:11:27 (+0000) Downloading application ''
25.01.18 12:11:57 (+0000) Failed to download application '' due to 'error pulling image configuration: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout'
25.01.18 12:13:00 (+0000) Downloading application ''