Etcher 1.4.4 CLI on old Mac -> "TypeError: Cannot read property 'find' of undefined"

Trying to use Etcher CLI on an old mac to install Ubuntu because the Etcher GUI is not supported on my version of OS X (10.6.8). Any ideas how to resolve?

$ sudo etcher -d /dev/disk2s1 ~/Downloads/ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso
? This will erase the selected drive. Are you sure? Yes
const layout = list.AllDisksAndPartitions.find((disk) => {

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘find’ of undefined
at devices.forEach (/snapshot/etcher-cli-1.4.4-darwin-x64-app/node_modules/drivelist/lib/diskutil.js:129:46)
at Array.forEach (native)
at setMountpoints (/snapshot/etcher-cli-1.4.4-darwin-x64-app/node_modules/drivelist/lib/diskutil.js:128:11)
at asyncMap (/snapshot/etcher-cli-1.4.4-darwin-x64-app/node_modules/drivelist/lib/diskutil.js:169:7)
at next (/snapshot/etcher-cli-1.4.4-darwin-x64-app/node_modules/drivelist/lib/diskutil.js:79:7)
at ChildProcess.childProcess.spawn.on.on.e (/snapshot/etcher-cli-1.4.4-darwin-x64-app/node_modules/drivelist/lib/diskutil.js:51:7)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:12)

I’m pretty sure you will need to get a different version of a OS(Any supported would do) or use a spare computer if you have one. if not, try getting a cheap windows xp machine or something like that. You can use a Virtual Machine, as long as you get etcher on there.

Hey, this sounds like a bug in the Etcher CLI, I’ve opened an issue on Github if you’d like to track its progress here: #2363

@jweida I see you’re specifying /dev/disk2s1 as the target there, but Etcher will not flash to particular partitions – you’ll want to use the entire device, i.e. /dev/disk2 there.

Ah, right. I am pretty sure i tried that too, but I will double check once I am in front of that machine again.

Thanks @Shou!

@rando, I can try this from my Windows machine. I thought I needed to use etcher on the Mac to make a bootable usb that will work on Mac though, based on what i had read.