Error in BalenaCloud device detail view on latest release


On the latest update of the Balena cloud dashboard I’m getting an error when trying to view a device detail view (the page at<device id>). This is occurring on all our devices.

The frontend shows a “Something went wrong!” message and the JS console shows a React error:

Error: Minified React error #300; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at Xo (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4134515)
    at Ba (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4143112)
    at ws (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4181408)
    at gu (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4172964)
    at hu (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4172889)
    at au (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4169919)
    at 1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4121671
    at exports.unstable_runWithPriority (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:549655)
    at Vi (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4121380)
    at Yi (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4121616)
    at Ki (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4121551)
    at tu (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4166704)
    at Object.enqueueSetState (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4125336)
    at bg.b.setState (1.ac4af93c78ffa73239f9.js:2:4071106)
    at scripts.e0de9823f74e8fe15db0.js:865:1776

This occurred shortly after the latest update to the dashboard today.

Seems to be caused by Status - Dashboard rendering error and is fixed now. Thanks for the quick fix!

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Thanks @cdalke to report that this is solved!

Let us know if we can help you more!