In the same way that WinZip (windows) provides an extractor utility that contains the zip archive as a payload within an executable, please enhance Etcher to wrap itself around a the disk image that is to be ‘etched’ onto flash media.
Argument. What is becoming one of the major uses of Balena-Etcher is to ‘burn’ Linux iso and img files to usb drives, within Windows … by Linux noobs … And they seem to have the best luck in doing this with your product - congratulations! It would SO VERY CONVENIENT if the major Linux distros could apply their ISO or IMG as a payload to an Etcher extraction tool to be placed on their website next to the thier traditional Linux images (Ubunu_Version.EXE 8.1 GB). And of course, if you were to do this, you’d find a thousand other uses for this tool. A person would download an Exe that contains the image within it, and they could run the Self Etcher directly from their browser on Windows. Etcher asks them to mount a correctly-sized flash device and other relevent questions and places the image, then reminds the user they need to reboot - from the USB device, to use the image.
In anticipation of your success with this suggestion, let me add that some form of built-in checksum integrity testing would be an advantage. And these Linux development folks are going to want a Linux version of the payloader and eventually a Balena etching tool for Linux with similar capabilities.