Hi there,
I would like to use Balena to mass-flash my RPi Images.
Therefore I wrote a simple C++ program running on Windows 10. (Linux is not an option, as the person, who will be in charge of mass-flash images only runs a Windows PC)
I need BalenaEtcher as a flashing engine accessible from CLI.
Right now I am using etcher v1.1.2 as this is the only command line etcher version, that actually works on windows. etcher Windows 10 issue
v1.1.2 is not very stable, as it sometime stops writing until I press any key, but it works…
I would like to use the more modern (and hopefully stable) Balena-CLI
Here comes my feature request: Is it possible to extend the parameter local flash to take not only the image, but the target drive as well?
A call would look like:
.\balena.exe local flash "image.img" "\\.\PhysicalDrive1"
Right now I am getting an error:
Unexpected argument: \\.\PhysicalDrive1
Thank you!
Best regards,