Empty Dashboard on fresh install

Hi there,

For my first try I used my PI3 and everything was OK.
This time I made the same setup on some PI-Zero-WH but the dashboards are empty
I use the last 1.5.7 version, re push everything wi the --no-cache argument but still blocked.

Here is my dashboard : http://prntscr.com/odzlnf

Here is my installation log : https://pastebin.com/F2XaqXEi

No idea what can I do

Best regards

Hi there! welcome to the forums :smiley:
You mentioned that you use “the last 1.5.7 version”: what software is this the version of? BalenaOS, the CLI or perhaps a example project?
Has the Pi-zero connected to the balenaCloud dashboard?
Please bear in mind that the Raspberry Pi 3 and the Pi zero don’t have compatible architecture, so you will need to create a separate balenaCloud application for the Pi zero.

Hi there,

First of all, please accept my apologies, due to health issue, was not able to continue on this thread before today.

So I’ll try to explain what I dit the most clearly possible.

I choose the Application for Raspberry Zero for the Raspberry Zero setup.
The setup for Raspberry 3 has it’s own setup.
When I make reference to the PI3 project it’s only because it’s working there, but it’s a totally different setup, I made it with a friend on his account using a Mac, and here I made a setup using a Windows 10 for the client.

So today I updated the CLI to use Balena-CLI 11.8.0
I pushed the application Balena-Sense (version 1.5.8 from https://github.com/balena-io-projects/balena-sense/ )

My dashboard is deseperately empty : https://1218be823e3d864540ad5841d47d5e5d.balena-devices.com

I pushed the project with no-cache without any success.

I’ve seen in the comments here https://www.balena.io/blog/build-an-environment-and-air-quality-monitor-with-raspberry-pi/#viewingthedashboard that I’m not the only one.

Best regards

@VirtualCed click on where it says Home in the top left, and then click on balenaSense.

This is the direct link to your device: https://1218be823e3d864540ad5841d47d5e5d.balena-devices.com/d/pF3gRDiRk/balenasense

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Doh… Does it means everything was working and I was just using the wrong url ?
Damned, let me hit my head on my desktop…
A big thank you for this help

@VirtualCed well actually the project should set the balenaSense dashboard as the homepage the first time it starts up so that you don’t have this kind of trouble, but looks like it hasn’t in your case for some reason. Other than that though the project is working fine, you just have to click on the menu to see the dashboard rather than having it on the homepage as default.

If you do want to fix this though you can go into the settings in Grafana and it will let you choose the balenaSense dashboard as your “Home dashboard” and then it will come straight up when you visit the public URL. There are some notes on how to do this here: https://community.grafana.com/t/change-home-dashboard/7441/19

I hope this helps, thanks for trying the project (and welcome to the forums!) :slight_smile: