BalenaOS Startup

October 19, 2019


The Balena OS was (in my beleif) correctly loaded onto the SD Card. At that point, I loaded the SD card into a Raspberry Pi 3, but the interface that comes up is actionless. It just shows the Balena Box Logo. What am I doing wrong? I have no mouse movement or anything. What am I doing wrong?

Hi and welcome to the forums!
That’s the default screen you see on a balena device, which means that it was properly provisioned (as you mentioned). You should now be able to see your device on the dashboard and depending on what your application does, see the logs in the logs stream on the right and/or see your UI pop up (if your application’s supposed to show one).
If you didn’t already, you can check the docs of our starting guide that should give you the bases of how to work with the dashboard and the balena device.
We also have projects you can check out in our projects GitHub repositories, for example the balena-dash

The Git Hub coordination is semi confusing here, sorry, but I’m unfamiliar with how to integrate Git Hub with the dashboard.balena-cloud environment. The posting on the webcam “use” tutorial (posting via youtube) seems to show a command line environment, invoked from within Git Hub. I haven’t tried it yet, but does a CLI come up from within Git Hub? It’s something that’s new to me. Any help would be appreciated.

I guess you’re referring to this video, if so, the terminal doesn’t come up from GitHub but is just the next step you need to take after copying the repository address. That address (which is copied through the button click for simplicity) is what you will be cloning and then pushing to the balena application.
If you prefer to follow a written and more detailed guide, we also wrote an article where you’ll find all the related resources.
Tell us how it goes and if you get stuck on anything!

October 23, 2019


In attempting to provision a device, I’m running into trouble. I log into a git command interface via git bash on windows, but in attempting to perform a “git push balena master”, I run into problems. I get: “fatal: Could not read from remote repository”. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. At this point, it seems like git bash interface is all I can use. The previous steps are working, but to perform “git push balena master”, it seems to not be working. Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Wayne

Hey, I think I may have a repro but if you could you give me the output of echo $GIT_SSH in your git bash it would really help and also can you give the full log message on push, ie what does it output before the fatal: ...?

October 24, 2019


The laptop I’m running is a dinosaur (windows 7). I’m also conducting a job search. I don’t want to lose your support, but I have to prioritize. The log info that you need, is probably there during the “push”, but I need to become familiar with how to access it (obviously, the straight up interface screen has error messages, which could not be more obvious). I need time to gather these logs and all of that.

Brian Wayne.

October 24, 2019


The initial login that I performed to access the balena servers was through github.

The “sign in response” says (in part) Unauthorized. I provided passwords for BOTH a balena login and a github —> into balena login. Maybe the passwords have gotten messed up here? I don’t know if I’m expected to be using the balena login password??? The supposed login is occuring from a github executable (git bash) on a windows release.

Here’s the error info:

$ balena login --credentials
 _            _
> >__   __ _ | |  ____  _ __    __ _
> '_ \ / _` || | / __ \| '_ \  / _` |
> >_) | (_) || ||  ___/| | | || (_) |
>_.__/ \__,_||_| \____/|_| |_| \__,_|

Logging in to [](
? Email: ************** (removed)
? Email: ************** (removed)
? Email: ************** (removed)
? Password: [input is hidden] *************
? Password: [hidden]
BalenaRequestError: Request error: Unauthorized

Additional information may be available by setting a DEBUG=1 environment
variable: "set DEBUG=1" on a Windows command prompt, or "export DEBUG=1"
on Linux or macOS.

If you need help, don't hesitate in contacting our support forums at

For bug reports or feature requests, have a look at the GitHub issues or
create a new one at: [](

It just says “unauthorized”. ??? I’ve tried all of this from the git bash command line, and from the cmd.exe command line, and in both cases I get “unauthorized”, plus a ton more verbeage. Maybe it is the password.

By the way, when I was referring to the “initial login” at the beginning of this message, I meant the login info I first used when I was getting my “feet wet” with balena. Perhaps the password is not correct, because there are the two: balena pasword, and github–>into–>balena password. ???

Is any of this making sense? Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Wayne

October 24, 2019


One of the things I forgot to mention, was that I can use git on raspbian. I have another raspberry pi at my disposal. I don’t know if the linux operating systems are more useable. Windows seems like a real Bear. Maybe interfacing through windows is pretty straight forward, and I just haven’t found that simplified path, or maybe it’s just much simpler to use linux systems. Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Wayne


The login credentials are indeed the username/password for the balena account. You should be able to use the default Web authorization if you’re running it on the same machine where you have the browser currently logged in.

You should also be able to use an authentication token. To get one, login to the Dashboard, click your username on the top right, and go to ‘Preferences’ and select the ‘Access Tokens’ tab. This will give you a ‘Session token’ you can copy and paste, as well as the ability to create an API token. Both should work correctly.

We’d like to get to the bottom of the authentication problem you’re having, as this will no doubt be affecting your ability to push. We’d also highly recommend that if you’re just starting out with balena, you don’t use git push and instead use balena push, as we are no longer adding new functionality to git push and ultimately aim to deprecate it.

As an aside, can you please ensure you don’t post private credentials (such as your password) into the balena forums, please?

Best regards,


October 28, 2019


Thank you for your reply. Truthfully, I did not submit the credentials there. The message was from this email system (google). I have no idea how rhe login info got posted like that, I really don’t. I will try the token login “system” later. Thanks for the help. I didn’t just blatently post that info. ???

Brian Wayne

Hi @hinzendo27 ,

That’s really strange then! I managed to get one of the admins to clear the info, to ensure it didn’t stay there (and as a reminder, worth now changing your password!). Please let us know how you get on, we’re keen to help you forward with this!

Best regards,


October 28, 2018


There hasn’t been any attempts to move forward here, yet. I’m at the very least, trying to send a “Hello, World” ‘program’ to the raspberry pi, currently, just as a way to get my feet wet . I’ll try to get this ‘system’ functional, but it may have to wait for a few days, as I am busy. Thank you for the help, I’ll reply some more as potential issues arise.

Brian Wayne

Sounds good, please keep us posted, and let us know if you have any other questions!


An attempt was made using balena push to start with expressnode.js. Earlier attempts at performing a push were not working. One of the engineers showed me how to generate a token, and once I got onto Windows 7’s cmd.exe interface, the token actually worked to fully log into the balena server. When I invoked the “balena push” command, the system started churning into the task, or whatever, but it “could not determine project type”. It’s helpful that I was able to at least log into the system (with the token), but unfortunately, I can’t get it to churn all the way through the push process.

Additionally, I tried setting up “balenadash”, but I can’t find a directory that contains the files that have to be pushed. I don’t have photos on a thumb drive yet either.

Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Wayne


When I invoked the “balena push” command, the system started churning into the task, or whatever, but it “could not determine project type”.

In which folder are you running balena push.
What files do you see in that folder?

Additionally, I tried setting up “balenadash”, but I can’t find a directory that contains the files that have to be pushed

What did you try exactly? Did you manage to clone the repository from github to your computer?

October 29, 2019


In attempting to make sure I’m using INTERnet, not INTRAnet, I’ve been traveling to a copy center to work through these details. I’ll just do it without leaving my work area, but I need to set that up, which takes time. I’m doing a job search currently. When I finish that for the day, I’ll focus on the Balena operability. Please let me write back as time allows

Brian Wayne

October 29, 2019


It was my belief, that I was doing things correctly. I even dropped into the ‘second’ simple-server-node-master, and tried this push. That was all occurring late in the evening on 10/28.

Today, I placed these unzipped files into a directory quite a bit closer to the dos root (c:). The “entry into the ‘second’ simple-server-node-master” step was still necessary as usual. TODAY, it worked! The whole thing compiled. Best I can tell, it’s fully functional. Thank you for the help. Why the system wouldn’t cooperate yesterday confuses me, but it does work today, like a champ. Thanks for the help.

Brian Wayne

October 30, 2019


There is a base level push which one can perform. The files are associated with a title like: express.js or, node.js, or whatever. I was having diffuculty making this work, at first, but I’m now able to do this fortunately. The web page that is serves off of the raspberry pi is working and all, no problem, but I can only access it locally. I don’t know if a more global type IP is needed, and if so, how does one find out what it is? I “fliped” a switch on the dashboard, allowing for the board to be more global, but I’m not able to access this simple base type web page from out in the general web itself (non-local). Maybe, I’m not completing all of the steps necessary to make this work on the overall internet.

Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Wayne

Are you talking about the “Public device URL” switch on the dashboard?
If yes, you should see a link icon next to it, click it and you’ll get to an url ending with
You should be able to see your page here.