a relatively easy way of building a cuda enabled docker is explained recent blog* . However I require the newer L4T 32.4.1 (JetPack 4.4).
I am currently working on a project requiring deepstream which require cuda 10.2
are there any plans for newer releases. or can it be build with the newer nvidia-l4t-core.
Hey @jap937, first of all welcome to balena forums!
Looking at the L4T archive I don’t see v32.4.1 released. Then balenaOS v2.56.0 is based on L4T 32.4.2 and the newer balenaOS v2.60.1 (on staging right now) is based on L4T 32.4.3.
thanks for the answer and let me rephrase that i require L4T 32.4.x
this indeed confuses me a little since balenaOS is based on 32.4.2, however the base image "balenalib/jetson-nano-ubuntu:bionic " seems to be based on L4T 32.3.1
I don’t understand how this should work, the packages installed are the latest (32.4.4) while balenaOS is still based on 32.4.2 . How do you manage the patch version?
If you look at that thread again, one of my colleagues has replied how to fix the dependencies for gstreamer. Did that work for you? If not can you reply with your logs on that thread so my colleague can take a look again
Hey @jap937, I see that you asked the same question on this thread and with more details:
If that’s fine with you, I’ll kindly suggest to keep the discussion going in this linked thread. Simply for the sake of tidying up to keep the discussion focused in one location.