Detect when audio is playing

I’ve been using BalenaSound for some days now, and very happy with it. Now I’d like to switch on (and off) my stereo when sound starts playing. Is there a set way to detect when a device is outputting audio?

In the meantime I think I found a workable solution using AudioBlocks and LIRC. I’ll post back when I have something working. This is the month of Advent of Code though, so it’ll probably be somewhere come januari.

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Thanks @nebula looking forward to read your solution!

For anyone stumbling on this post: I’ve decided to move to another platform (LMS) since Balena was too different from my setup to integrate well. I still have one device running I need to migrate, and it has been rock solid from the start, so no issues there! Thanks for making an impressive software stack. I’ll definitely refer others to this project when talking about managing multiple small devices!