Composite docker application with "8" containers (Node-RED, MQTT broker, Telegraf, InfluxDb, Grafana, Nginx)


I have created a composite docker application with “8” containers (2x Node-RED, 2x MQTT broker, Telegraf, InfluxDb, Grafana, Nginx) for a raspberry pi:

It demonstrates the following features (for more details see

  1. The ability to run many containers on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
  2. The Built and Deployment of this multi container application using the BalenaCloud services
  3. Monitoring the system resources of the raspberry pi using the TIG stack.
  4. That Grafana is very nice and powerful tool to create dashboards and that it is easy to create or update those dashboards.
  5. It is possible to run multiple Node-RED instances on the same device.
  6. It is possible to run multiple MQTT brokers on the same device.
  7. A USB memory stick connected to the pi can be used for storing specific data.
  8. It is possible to access the Grafana user interface and the 2 Node-RED editors via the internet .

Here below a screenshot of the system metrics dashboard reporting the system resources of the raspberry pi running this composite docker application. So it is monitoring its own resources.


@janvda the project looks really good!

Congrats and thanks for sharing, we really appreciate it!

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