I have created a composite docker application with “8” containers (2x Node-RED, 2x MQTT broker, Telegraf, InfluxDb, Grafana, Nginx) for a raspberry pi:
It demonstrates the following features (for more details see README.md)
- The ability to run many containers on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
- The Built and Deployment of this multi container application using the BalenaCloud services
- Monitoring the system resources of the raspberry pi using the TIG stack.
- That Grafana is very nice and powerful tool to create dashboards and that it is easy to create or update those dashboards.
- It is possible to run multiple Node-RED instances on the same device.
- It is possible to run multiple MQTT brokers on the same device.
- A USB memory stick connected to the pi can be used for storing specific data.
- It is possible to access the Grafana user interface and the 2 Node-RED editors via the internet .
Here below a screenshot of the system metrics
dashboard reporting the system resources of the raspberry pi running this composite docker application. So it is monitoring its own resources.