Christmas themed projects

(Only two days till Christmas! Here’s another project for the holidays! It’s a mash-up of some components I’ve used before, and some new tools mixed in.

Alexa, trigger Merry Christmas!

It’s a Raspberry Pi + SenseHAT + Amazon Echo Dot / Alexa + IFTTT combo. Use voice commands on the Echo Dot to trigger a display of a Christmas tree (on 8x8 pixels…), and also adding candles to it (randomly fading lights).

The photos and video don’t do justice to it, should figure out how to have better recording of LED lights without saturating the sensors (@curcuz gave some advice that I need to try)

The voice commands are set up through IFTTT Alexa triggers and the very versatile IFTTT Maker endpoint to ping a device’s Public Device URL (enabled in the dashboard for the device).

The code is written in Node.js at the moment, and using the the sense-hat-led library for hardware control, and a very simple Express server for the HTTP endpoints. I choose this one because another project was using Python already.

Here’s the code repo if you want to try it out, will need to add more readme to it in the next couple of days, as well as a more complete writeup:



Merry Christmas! :sparkle: