Well, it was a Hack Friday on Dec 1st, and I had this spare string of WS2812 NeoPixel LEDs. What happened next is obvious.
Except I didn’t have time to write it up, so here I am keeping a weekend eye on support and writing up my new Christmas lights. I also promised to ping @sonyagreen when I published, because she wants a set, and will hopefully have better pictures.
I used
- A string of WS2812 lights.
- A Hack Friday on Dec 1st.
- An RPi Zero Wireless and a PiBow case.
- Not quite enough time to write it up.
- resin.io, etcher, etc. My standard IOT toolchain.
- The rpi-ws281x-native, color and lodash npm libraries.
The wiring for this project is really easy.
- GPIO 18 (library default) to Data In of the WS2812 string
- An independant 3.3v power supply to provide the amperage
- Connect the +ve of the power supply to the string
- Share the 0v of the power supply with the Pi
The software was also fairly simple. My thanks to some great libraries.
- The top block imports the three libraries
- Then I parse the environment and initialise some global variables and library bits
- Then I populate the internal array representing the LED string with white
- Then I set up a render loop that simply pushes the relevant part of the array to the library
- Then I start the fade of a LED every once in a while
- Then I deal with each step of the fade