Hi, can you also try a different usb stick, the rationale behind this request is that maybe the USB flash drive you are using is corrupted, so if you use another one and it works, the first USB drive you used is corrupted.
I get checksum failure consistently but when I restart the computer it goes away on the first flash.
I wonder if there is something in memory.
Hi @aaflatooni
Just to clarify - you’re saying that, when you restart the computer, there is no failure on the first flash, but then all subsequent flashes fail, until you restart again?
Thanks, and kind regards
I also get a “failed” and “checksum error” at the end of verify. The instructions don’t match my version of windows 10. Balena portable 1.5.80. There is no such policy in the group policy editor, nor is there that entry in the registry. Also, there are no extra folders in my bootable Samsung 32gb SDCard partition. Here is my log. The only error in read is a reference to a .PNG file it can’t find. The SDCards and images I make (from different sources) all work anyway as far as I can tell:
Thu Apr 16 2020 23:12:06 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Done ({“image”:“C:\Users\Fred\Downloads\RPi-JMRI.20200211.zip”,“drives”:[{“size”:32010928128,“isVirtual”:false,“enumerator”:“SCSI”,“logicalBlockSize”:512,“raw”:"\\.\PhysicalDrive1",“error”:null,“isReadOnly”:false,“displayName”:“F:\, “}],“description”:“JMCR SD SCSI Disk Device”,“isUAS”:false}],“driveCount”:1,“uuid”:“9140f7a8-69e3-484c-9de3-53f01534da6f”,“status”:“finished”,“flashInstanceUuid”:“9140f7a8-69e3-484c-9de3-53f01534da6f”,“unmountOnSuccess”:true,“validateWriteOnSuccess”:true,“trim”:false,“applicationSessionUuid”:“8dedec31-4cd9-4a71-8c1e-299d1b675eee”,“flashingWorkflowUuid”:“3d0435c0-c07e-4d5c-b924-517b1f63634a”,“errors”:[{“name”:“Error”,“code”:“EVALIDATION”,“device”:”\\.\PhysicalDrive1”}],“devices”:{“failed”:1,“successful”:0},“sample”:0.1})
2C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Local\Temp\1ZZcA1BYt3YZuH5WScHxXUgl9X3\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\raven.js:58 [withTheme] You are not using a ThemeProvider nor passing a theme prop or a theme in defaultProps in component class “Component”
console. @ C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Local\Temp\1ZZcA1BYt3YZuH5WScHxXUgl9X3\resources\app.asar\node_modules\raven-js\dist\raven.js:58
/C:/Users/Fred/AppData/Local/Temp/1ZZcA1BYt3YZuH5WScHxXUgl9X3/resources/app.asar/lib/assets/icon.png:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
Hi, before we dig into what might be the problem could you confirm that the same problem happens when using a different SDCard? We often see strange and flakey behaviour with corrupted usb drives or sd cards
Different SDCard from Samsung, different brand card, different zip files. Also, 1MB/s is just horrible. I goes between 1 and 1.3 back and fort in a pattern. I guess I should have unzipped the images first.
To summarize: “checksum error” means that the data Etcher reads from the device is not exactly the same as the one in the disk image that was written.
It may have 2 explanations:
- the SD card or USB drive being flashed is broken and does not write (or read back) the data it is asked to write;
- something writes to the drive between the moment Etcher writes the image and re-reads it from the drive.
The second point seems to be happening frequently to Windows users who flash images containing partitions that windows can read (FAT mostly).
To avoid it, you should follow the instructions here https://superuser.com/questions/1199823/how-to-prevent-creation-of-system-volume-information-folder-in-windows-10-for/1199824#1199824 .
If it still happens, try flashing the same drive from another computer (Linux or macOS preferably). If you still get a checksum error, your drive is not working correctly, if it doesn’t, it means that something on the first computer is writing to the drive before it is done being verified.
In that case, you can flash a drive on the first (problematic) computer, flash the same image to another drive on another (non problematic) computer and compare the files in it using meld for example (on the non problematic computer).
@FlightRisk 1MiB/s seems very slow even for a zipped image. Please try another SD adapter.
Please also update to Etcher 1.5.81 which should improve flashing speed and decrease cpu usage.
Thank you for all your help. Unzipping the file and using the latest version is faster. I have noticed some “carriers”, the shell you put the microSD card in, can slow down the write. I don’t see what might be written to the SDCard by Windows, because no files are there that shouldn’t be. It should just be the HASH for that image. But I suspect it is still something windows does, because once the Window readable partition is recognized, it pops up the dialog telling me I need to format the drive. I close the window and the verify continues. If I find anything else, I’ll report back.
Same issue, any Feb 2020 version of Raspian, on CM3+.
Did you try the fix mentioned in the comments above?
This one in particular.
I had a similar issue. I have a flash drive that I formatted to install linux mint, and now I am trying to reformat it so I can install linux kde.
Here’s how I fixed it:
1. Use a disk management program to clear it.
2. Reformat it to a default setting like Fat32 or something similar.
3. Run balenaEtcher again.
I used Windows 10 and followed this guide from pendrivelinux.com:
1. run “Diskpart” from cmd
2. “List Disk”
3. “Select Disk X” X being the number of the correct disk
4. Type “Clean” and press Enter
4.1 If you get an error like I did, try “Recover”, then “Clean”
5. Type “Create Partition Primary” and press Enter
6. Type “Active” and press Enter
7. Type “Format fs=Fat32 Quick” and press Enter
7.1 If this didn’t work like it didn’t for me, just exit Diskpart and reformat from windows explorer.
I hope this helps someone!
Apparently size matters, when dealing with the Flash drive. A 128 gig flash drive failed on two different machines I tried. I decided to do what ebay sellers do. I cleared off an 8 gig flash and retried it by loading Ubuntu and it worked. It might have to do with cleaning the flash drive by writing all “FFFFFF” all the way to the end, and the large flash drives are just too large too complete the cleaning, and this misses up the checksum. A flash drive closer to the size of the program you want to write should work OK, and if not reformat it to clean out the left over data. It makes sense, because it is designed to work with DVDs which are less than 5 GB
Hello! I’m new to this forum and to tech in general, so please excuse any mistakes.
I had the same problem as mentioned where balena writes the file successfully onto the drive, but the validation fails at 5%. The error that comes is Checksums do not match. I did the changes mentioned by the links posted in the thread above (gpedit.msc and regedit), but it still didn’t work. I then tried using a MacOS system, but the error is the same.
Additional info: Windows 10 system. I’m trying to flash the Raspberry Pi OS onto a Strontium 8 GB microSD card. I tried using Raspberry Pi Imager as well, but it fails in the verification stage too.
Kindly help me with this, thanks in advance
I’m new to forum. I also have this problem. I noticed that the validation progresses successfully until Windows 10 pops up a small messagebox saying I need to format the drive before I can use it. I have tried with several new 32gb cards from different manufacturers. Balena validation progresses until windows 10 pops up the box. At least in my case the validation always fails at the exact time windows displays the textbox warning.