Cant deploy with private docker image

I have multiple private docker images on a docker hub registry.
When I do a docker pull it works without problems.
However, when I try to deploy a release with my docker-compose.yml which contains my services I get an error

(HTTP code 500) server error - Head "": unauthorized: incorrect username or password

To deploy I simply use
balena deploy xxxx/xxx --registry-secrets ./registry-secrets.yml
The docker image exists, and my docker-hub credentials are correct since I can do a docker pull
Iā€™m using balena cli version 17.4.5 and docker version 24.0.5.
Any ideas

Hello, I would first update to the latest release of the CLI just to be safe, then also perhaps try the registry secrets in the json format and see if that makes any difference: Balena CLI Masterclass - Balena Documentation

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thank you for your reply.
I confirm that the pull works with the Registry-secrets file in json format and no longer works with the yml format on version 18.1.5

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Thanks for the confirmation @Firat

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