I just did a fresh deployment with the latest docker builds and start getting a docker error while trying to push to the registry.
Pushing images to registry...
Retrying "registry.balena.domain.com/v2/c09053d4afa5eaf42f2ad58ac015d292:latest" after 2.00s (1 of 3) due to: Error: unauthorized: authentication required
Retrying "registry.balena.domain.com/v2/c09053d4afa5eaf42f2ad58ac015d292:latest" after 2.80s (2 of 3) due to: Error: unauthorized: authentication required
Retrying "registry.balena.domain.com/v2/c09053d4afa5eaf42f2ad58ac015d292:latest" after 3.92s (3 of 3) due to: Error: unauthorized: authentication required
Since everything seem to work with the v0.48.0 release of balena registry, i try to get my head around why this Error starts turning up.
I encountered it on MacOS X, Ubuntu and Debian with balena-cli versions 11.23 and 11.24.
We just want to confirm which version of open-balena-registry you’re using when encountering this error, is it v2.13.2? When you mention using v0.48.0 of the registry, are you referring to OPENBALENA_API_VERSION_TAG, which was set to 0.49.9 in the configuration that did work?
Sorry it was a little bit late when writing the post. I got confused with balena registry and balena api version.
I used the default installation with :latest tag at 1st Feb. 2020 and pushing to the registry failed.
I checked our currently running productive instance for its versions and it api version was v0.48.0 and registry version v2.12.0
Since upgrading to newer versions is mostly a good idea, i tried a couple of random configuration that are >v0.48.0 >2.12.0 and got the above mentioned configuration to work.
It is mostly up to date, therefore i feel confident upgrading our current productive instance to the above mentioned container versions.
I still could not figure out why the latest build produced the above mentioned error.
I have currently a thight schedule, but try to test it this week with a new url and a new server and open an issue accordingly.
I just wanted to put it here, in case some one else is encountering the same problem. Since it took me a while to figure out, that it was about the balena deployment and not anything else.
I just wanted to share that I had the same issue as this thread indicated with Error: unauthorized: authentication required reported during image push phase of command balena deploy myApp --logs --source . --emulated
having just followed https://www.balena.io/open/docs/getting-started/ as of March 20 it seems the wrong version of registry is included. I saw that balena-registry version was 2.11.1 in default installation per the settings found in compose/versions of open-balena.
The fix for me was to wipe everything out, update the below file as such, and rebuild everything.
We have Jenkins job to build and deploy. I was successful last time roughly 2 weeks back but now it fails with below error. Any idea what might be the reason?
Hello balena team,
Above error was because of insufficient disk space.
It is fixed now with increase in space.
Any pointers for best practices after we deploy step? Any explicit step needed for disk cleanup?