BalenaSound- Unable to locate package bluealsa


  I thought that I would try out the BalenaSound project, but I'm unable to push it to my device.  The device shows up in the devices window, is running balenaOS 2.38.0+rev1 on a raspberry pi 3b+.  I downloaded the project from github as a zip file and ran the command 'C:\Users\bhaus\Desktop\balena-sound-master>balena push AudioBridge' from the unzipped directory.  Things seem to run fine until it couldn't find the bluealsa package:

first error looks like this:
[bluetooth-audio] Step 4/13 : RUN install_packages alsa-utils bluealsa bluez python-gobject python-dbus mplayer
[bluetooth-audio] —> Running in 40bc925dd012
[bluetooth-audio] Reading package lists…
[bluetooth-audio] Building dependency tree…
[bluetooth-audio] Reading state information…
[bluetooth-audio] E: Unable to locate package bluealsa

it tries that a few more times then fails completely with this:

[bluetooth-audio] The command ‘/bin/sh -c install_packages alsa-utils bluealsa bluez python-gobject python-dbus mplayer’ returned a non-zero code: 100

not certain what I’m doing wrong here.

Thanks for any help you might be able to give me!


Maybe you have the same problem as reported in issue Unable to locate package bluealsa · Issue #19 · balena-labs-projects/balena-sound · GitHub

Thanks! It was a related issue, I just had to remove the reference to blue alsa from the Dockerfile.template and everything worked great.