BalenaSound : Can't push App with Balena Push command (MacOS)

Hi everybody
I loved the beginning of the BalenaSound tutorial, which seemed quite easy to follow, and then suddenly, when it came to push the app through Balena-Cli, it became suddenly completely obscure and hard to understand.

Pitch : I can’t “push” the App, it starts fine and the I get an error message
Details : I followed the tutorial and I reached the point where my Pi Zero W was visible in the dashboard.
But when it came to install the Balena-CLI, I understood less and less.
I installed both the standalone and .pkg version for Mac from GitHub.
Then the tutorial tells to go to the unzipped directory (I put the directory in /usr/local/lib/)
And, from the directory, tuto says to push using the balena push command.
I assumed (but I’m not sure) that the parts the tuto skipped were these :

  1. Open MacOS Terminal
  2. Change directory using the “cd” command : cd /usr/local/lib/balena-cli
  3. type “balena push [name of the app]” (if the App is called “wow”, it becomes : balena push wow)
  4. Wait for installation to be completed

Well, that’s what I did and I got this error message :
[Info] Starting build for [NAME OF THE APP], user [USER NAME]
[Info] Dashboard link:
[Error] Could not detect project type: Service main: Could not find a Dockerfile for this service
[Error] Not deploying release.
Remote build failed

Does someone know where it fails or tell where the tutorial fails ?
Thanks a lot !


I’m using the .pkg installed version and it seems to be rock solid (no complaints yet) on my Mac OS.
After the install, it adds itself into your path configuration so you are not required to change directory in order to use it. It works the same way as any other *nix command on the Mac OS.

You could, in the terminal session, issue:

$ which balena

to check where it was installed (and you should see output like /usr/local/bin/balena and:

$ balena --version

to let Balena’s folks know CLI version you’re using.

This doc seems to be nicely written:


Here is an in depth documentation of balena push:
The reason you are seeing that error is probably due to the fact that you are not in the directory of the project you want to push. After you installed balena-cli, you need to run balena push from the root of the project you want to push (in this case the BalenaSound dir).

I think I tried from both directories but I’ll try again. Anyway, it looks like simple stuff at the beginning but it gets more complicated step after step, compared with the usual tutos about Bluetooth streaming to a Pi :wink: