balenaRancher Project

Hello @dtischler & @mpous!

I’ve just published my 4th project to the Hub! balenaRancher

This one is probably not practical or useful, but for anyone trying to get a Rancher/k3s Pi4 cluster going (I know there is at least one other hacker out there that wants to)… this is a relatively easy way to get there.

I am still learning how kubernetes works but I’ve been able to deploy a Minecraft server on my balenaRancher cluster. Honestly, kubernetes is not as much fun as learning balena stuff. It seems like something important to learn though.



Awesome stuff @SamEureka! This is a great resource for folks! I’ve shared it amongst the team as well, as I think we have a few K3S fans around. :slight_smile: :raised_hands:

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This is awesome. Could worker nodes be devices other then Rasp 4? Would a device with 512 of ram be able to handle?

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Thanks @luandro !

Unfortunately the Rancher agent is 64bit only. It will work on a Pi Zero 2 with 512mb ram and a Pi 3b+. I did get it to work on a virtual NUC device using both the QEMU and VirtualBox methods. I’m short on Raspberry PIs also. Check out the add-amd64 branch of the GitHub repo. I haven’t documented the process yet so it isn’t in the main branch.


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