in short I would like to run the Balena OS for UniPi (based on Raspberry Pi 4) on Balena Cloud.
What I did:
- Compiled the UniPi Image from here: GitHub - balena-os/balena-raspberrypi: Balena support for RaspberryPI boards
- Set up my own openBalena Cluster with K8S like here: https://github.com/bartversluijs/open-balena/tree/master/kubernetes/helm
→ Result is I still can´t add the device with open balena even to a generic device type because the device slug is “raspberrypi4-unipi-neuron” and this is not in the “balena devices supported” list (not in Cloud, not in OpenBalena
So I went on and installed Open Balena Admin to my Cluster: GitHub - dcaputo-harmoni/open-balena-admin: Open Balena Admin (btw ingressive project @drcnyc !)
Made this also running, created the custom device with the slug and boom, the device is running perfectly with openBalena.
So now my Question: Can I make this running with Balena Cloud? I think a K8S Cluster is a bit over the top even it was a fun project to learn. I just would like to have this device in my normal Balena Cloud dashboard. @floion you seem to be responsible for the balenaOS image of UniPi, maybe you can tell me more about that?
Thanks and best regards,