I have a Crucial M500 120GB mSATA SSD card.
I inserted it in the #balenaFin but it does not recognize it. Could you help me? if there is a procedure to recognize it in Raspbian
Welcome to the forums @lesmalave!
The mPCIe slot on the Fin is USB based, so unless the SSD is USB-based, then it won’t work. The majority of mSATA SSDs are not USB-based.
You’re welcome, glad to hear it!
Hi Alan, I have a mPCIe based USB device but it’s not receiving power when plugged in to a version 1.1.1 fin. Is there something special I need to run (GPIO?) in order to power it up?
Can you share more details about your mPCIe USB device? Is it a modem of some sort?
Not a traditional modem. It’s a proprietary RF device that presents itself as a serial device via USB.
Hi, you may check page 8 of the balenaFin schematics that shows how the mPCIe slot is wired and specifically the power pins - You do not need to connect your RF device to the HAT, but you may draw current from the mPCIe slot.