BalenaFin and LTE with EC25 mPCIe


Some clarification about ModemManager and NetworkManager. When you start a freshly flashed OS (without any connection profiles defined), ModemManager will still start to register to an available network. That is - when you run mmcli -m 0 you should still observe that the modem is registered to a network. When you specify a connection profile for the modem for NetworkManager, it will be used by NetworkManager to instruct ModemManager for phases after network registration. So to narrow this down, we do not have to specify one.

In the logs we looked at earlier on (and I maybe the last ones indicate that as well), it is indicated that the modem does not reach successful registration phase. That is - NetworkManager interaction is not yet needed.

Let’s do the following please:

  1. Flash a fresh OS image from an empty application without any code pushed and application container running (this is important so that we ensure that things like udev running in a container do not interfere with the modem).

  2. Paste the output of mmcli -m 0 from different sim cards. You can use the Hologram one, one from a mobile phone, etc. You just need to plug it as we do not need to specify a NetworkManager connection profile.

Once we know the registration output we have narrowed down the problem.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
