balena-sound server doesn't appear as Bluetooth playback device. Only AirPlay...

I can connect to my balena sound master via Bluetooth, but it doesn’t appear as playback device. AirPlay works well, although the latency is quite high for my taste.

I cannot help with bluetooth (never used it).

For latencuy If you’re not using the multi-room feature, setting : “SOUND_MODE” to “STANDALONE” (device variables) helps a lot.

For multiroom IIRC there’s some specific latency variables that you can tweak.

Yeah well, I guess a certain latency in multi-room mode is to be expected to have everything in sync. I have two PI4s running now and is quite neat.

That Bluetooth is not working correctly is an issue though. I don’t own an Apple computer and can’t use AirPlay from it. Weirdly, it works from my iPhone. On my Linux laptop I can connect to the device, but it is not listed as audio sink. This works flawlessly with my old Logitech Bluetooth audio adapter I have laying around here. I think the Balena devices need to populate themselves better as audio devices.

EDIT: Ah seems to have been an Arch Linux issue.

Adding the following to /etc/bluetooth/main.conf solved the problem:


Great to hear you found it!