I’m a complete novice at Balena OS or Sound or Docker. I brew beer and installed Fermentrack on an SD Card and use that to control my fermenter temps.
Is it possible to use the same Raspberry Pi 4 that is running Fermentrack to also run BalenaSound? I have Sound on one SD card and Fermentrack on another, and they each do run by themselves. Is it possible to put both on one SD card and have both run at the same time so I don’t have to buy another Raspberry Pi?
If so, any hints on where I can read up to figure out how to do it?
Hi Roger, that Fermentrack project looks really cool, wow. Having more than one application reside in containers and pushing to a balena device is definitely possible, but will require some docker knowledge for sure. In this case, you are probable best starting off with a git clone of the balenaSound repo, then adding in a new container for Fermentrack. This is going to take some engineering though.
First, you’ll have to modify the docker-compose file to add the container. Then, you’d have to clone the Fermentrack repo into a subfolder alongside the rest of the balenaSound bits. And in the Fermentrack folder, you’ll need a dockerfile that runs the installation and setup of Fermentrack.
Crafting that dockerfile might be 100% straightforward, but perhaps someone from the community can assisst. Let’s see if anyone chimes in.
At the end of that process, you’ll need to push the entire stack onto the Pi, using the balenaCLI tooling. That part isn’t too difficult, though. Hope that helps!