openBalena is a set of services which run inside of containers on top of a docker/balena engine. A hypervisor isn’t really required. The getting started guide may be of some help here:
BalenaOS does not run openBalena and is instead used on the devices which are connected to your openBalena instance. Let me know if you need any further clarification.
I m basically working on home edge project of LF edge. For the same I need to check if I can use the opensource balena containers. Our Project is basically requires a hypervisor-2 kind of containerization technique. Can you please help me with this issue??
Thanks in advance.
I’m not 100% on what you’re asking, regardless of hypervisor type if you can run a container engine (i.e. docker) on the server you can run the balena containers. So it should be compatible with a type 2 hypervisor, assuming it has support for a container engine.
Ok, then Can you share me some links for the guides to get started with balena engine. And balena engine is open source correct?
I m basically trying to create a repo kind of thing where my iot devices will push the containers and other devices who have registered will the containers automatically pushed to them.
You can find further information about balena-engine here and note that the standard docker engine will work too. The situation you describe is definitely possible with openBalena.
So I should be going with openbalena or balena engine… Thanks for so much of your help but it seems I m getting little clarity now. And do you have any example for the same usecase that I mentioned ?
openBalena is the collection of containers which provide the functionality you describe. BalenaEngine is a container engine which can run containers, and this can be thought of as equivalent to the docker engine. So you would need the openBalena distribution and a container engine capable of running the distribution. This should be covered by the getting started guide I linked above.
I don’t have an example of the usecase that you describe, but following the getting started guide should get you up and running fairly quickly.
We don’t currently offer email support for openBalena and all support happens on the openBalena forums, so that the whole community can benefit.
If you are interested though, we can put you in contact with our solutions architect team to see if we can work something out for your use case.
I noticed that you asked this same question on another post; please try and keep your questions concise and on-topic
I want to clarify some points in your questions above and hopefully answer them:
Is openBalena a type-1 hypervisor or type-2 hypervisor ?
No. It is a stack of services which offer a combined service to manage balenaOS devices, like Raspberry Pi, Intel NUC etc. It is in no way a hypervisor or offering any kind of virtualization layers.
I m basically trying to create a repo kind of thing where my iot devices will push the containers and other devices who have registered will the containers automatically pushed to them
What you have explained here is the basic functionality of openBalena. The device registered will be balenaOS devices (running balenaEngine, which is akin to Docker/Moby) and the openBalena host will be a server/VPS in the cloud/datacenter/etc.
Do i need to create any account for Balena?
No. However balenaCloud is a service which offers you the features (and more) that you’re trying to build; so maybe it’s possible for you to use the balenaCloud service first to see how it works with your code/containers and then tackle the task of setting up openBalena once you know that it will meet your needs.
Now i want to get similar thing that is possible using azure IOT edge runtime. Can you please help me with it?
I am not up to date on what/how Azure IoT edge runtime is, or how it works. Sorry. This might be something that others in the community have looked at, so maybe they can comment.
The device registered will be balenaOS devices (running balenaEngine, which is akin to Docker/Moby) and the openBalena host will be a server/VPS in the cloud/datacenter/etc.
By this do you mean devices need to have balena OS? is it mandatory condition?
then in home edge environment first i need to port the devices with balena os to get open balena wrking. ?
And how do i do it?? say i have android device (android Tv) at home so hw can i get the balena open balena wrking?