I’ve successfully built a new balena device image for the Dart MX8M-Mini using this as a starting point: https://github.com/balena-os/balena-variscite-mx8
The issue is my new device is an imx8mm-var-dart (note the extra m!) which is expected since it’s different than the older imx8m. However, if I try to do a balena join on the device, it complains this is not a valid device type.
[debug] original argv0=“balena” argv=[/home/aaron/balena-cli/balena,/snapshot/versioned-source/bin/balena,join,] length=4
[Debug] Determining device…
[Debug] Executing [/usr/bin/ssh,-n,-t,-p,22222,-o,LogLevel=ERROR,-o,StrictHostKeyChecking=no,-o,UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null,root@,os-config --version]
[Debug] Using device:
[Debug] Determining device type…
[Debug] Executing [/usr/bin/ssh,-n,-t,-p,22222,-o,LogLevel=ERROR,-o,StrictHostKeyChecking=no,-o,UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null,root@,cat /etc/os-release]
[Debug] Device type: imx8mm-var-dart
[Debug] Determining application…
“imx8mm-var-dart” is not a valid device type
Error: “imx8mm-var-dart” is not a valid device type
at getOrSelectApplication (/snapshot/versioned-source/build/utils/promote.js:145:15)
Any ideas?