Starting yesterday I seem to be getting an error when building a container on resin. I had built older versions without issues, but today it seems that I can no longer push to one of my apps. I get the below when building:
[Build] Step 14 : COPY . .
[Build] ---> 19060d4bce57
[Build] Removing intermediate container 77e357d0e564
[Build] Step 15 : CMD /usr/src/app/
[Build] ---> Running in 3e0a464cb4a2
[Build] ---> df77368312b3
[Build] Removing intermediate container 3e0a464cb4a2
[Build] Successfully built df77368312b3
[Success] Image created successfully
[Info] Verifying image integrity...
[Success] Image passed integrity checks!
[Info] Uploading image to registry...
[===============> ] 30%[Error] Build failed: unauthorized: authentication required
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
I can’t seem to find anyone else who has had this issue with resin before