Attention. Something went wrong. If it is a compressed .........

Hey @doktor60, indeed Etcher is supposed to unmount the USB / SD card once the flashing is done. Let us know if you are still having problem with it (your last message sounds like this works fine now)

Then, yes balena forum is not the best place to troubleshoot your wifi-adapter problems on Ubuntu :sweat_smile:

Ubuntu is a popular OS among balena users so another forum user might chime in. But Iā€™d suggest to ask your specific issue on a more Ubuntu focused forum as youā€™ll get answers more quickly.

I have this problem too

But Iā€™ve tried redownloading the image multiple times.

Iā€™m also on MacOS BigSur

Mounting and unmounting isnā€™t working for me. I did follow the steps to give it Full Disk Access, no luck

Hi there, could you please delete the Etcher app and reboot your mac. When it comes back, download the latest from and (re)install. Try that as see how that goesā€¦

Thanks for your reply!

I think we misunderstand each other. I was actually asking if the USB pen is supposed to unmount itself after it has been formatted. I did that manually and it worked. Flashing with etcher is just after this step.
And after flashing it unmounts itself :slight_smile:

And yeah, I think it all works at least okay now. The troubles are not so much with etcher.

Thanks to you all for assisting. Big up!

Glad to see it worked out for you. You can also toggle etcherā€™s unmount on flash behavior by using the settings cog present on the top right when you open balenaEtcher. Hope this helps!


Well the problem for me was unmounting BEFORE using etcher. So the settings in this app is not really useful for what I have been struggling with. Just to clarify :slight_smile:

Answer is simple :slightly_smiling_face:
Use USB.2 port (not usb3) in your PC or Laptop to solove your problem.