I am building my own image of Balena OS and plan to include custom dtbo etc. I cloned the balena-beaglebone repository (since i’m running on a bb), now I understand I need to add my own layer, but what is the best practice to do this so it is maintainable?
Just creating a layer in my local repository doesn’t sound right as it will overwritten next time I pull from GIT.
Hi, local changes won’t be overwritten when you pull. If you create a fork you can even have your changes committed and merge from time to time from upstream.
Apart from dtbs, what other changes do you plan on doing?
Ok so I can include them directly in my fork of meta-balena-beaglebone
Mainly dtbs but I also have a USB model which is not in the list of supported modems so I might need some customisation there. As the rest will be set in the docker containers
Let us know if you are successful with that USB modem…If it’s a common enough model, perhaps we could Merge your work to support that particular unit, so other folks could benefit from it as well.
Will do but currently stuck in building version 2.48 as I get the below errors
ERROR: balena-18.09.10-dev+git7cb464a406748016f2df0c31a9851d20456a3d31-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 7cb464a406748016f2df0c31a9851d20456a3d31 in branch master even from upstream
ERROR: balena-18.09.10-dev+git7cb464a406748016f2df0c31a9851d20456a3d31-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure for URL: 'git://github.com/balena-os/balena-engine.git;branch=master;destsuffix=git/src/import'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.
ERROR: balena-18.09.10-dev+git7cb464a406748016f2df0c31a9851d20456a3d31-r0 do_fetch: Function failed: base_do_fetch
I’ve found this forum post which points to a PR change in the urls of meta-balena-common. Even though I’ve changed the balena_git.bb file to match the one in the PR, I still get the same error.
The reason I am trying to build from version 2.48 is that I am using openBalena so I cannot pull the latest version as it is not supported.
Managed to fix the error by changing the BALENA_BRANCH variable from “master” to “18.09-balena”
Hi. So you fixed the wifi problem too?