wifi driver issue some times detect issue observed. NXP
[ 874.005744] IOCTL failed: 7750f18e id=0x10000, sub_id=0x10003 action=1, status_code=0x80000007
using sudo modprobe moal mod_para=nxp/wifi_mod_para.conf
firmware : nxp/sdiouartiw416_combo_v0.bin
what could be the reason why ioctl failed? How to fix it?
The IOCTL error may be due to firmware or configuration issues. You can try below steps-
-Verify nxp/sdiouartiw416_combo_v0.bin is correct.
-Check nxp/wifi_mod_para.conf settings.
-Review system logs for details.
-Ensure the driver is up to date.
If the problem continues, contact NXP support.
Thank you