Hi, i stall direcly on raspbian lite correctly. I’ve problem with this command (not work -p, and not connect to AP after insert correct password ):
sudo wifi-connect -a 600 -i wlan0 -s balenaDash -p balenaDash
When insert password not connect to AP.
This command Work correctly without set a password (i connect successfully to AP):
sudo wifi-connect -a 600 -i wlan0 -s balenaDash
This is my distro:
Linux raspberrypi 4.19.75-v7+ #1270 SMP Tue Sep 24 18:45:11 BST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
I will pass your question to our wifi-connect maintainer. In the meantime, you can also specific password via environment variable, can you please try to set PORTAL_PASSPHRASE and see if it works?
On raspbian lite, I set variable PORTAL_SSID in system.
With echo $PORTAL_SSID i see the variable value, but when i run the base command, the default value “wifi connect” not change.
Thanks for reporting those two issues. Last time those were working all well. I will check to see whether something has changed in the latest Raspbian Lite release and let you know.